The Enneagram of Personality (or simply Enneagram, from the Greek words ennea [nine] and grammos [something written or drawn]) is a model of the human personality that is mainly used as a typology of nine interrelated personality types. In principle, it was developed by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, and it is partially based on the earlier teachings of G. I. Gurdjieff. We have nine main types which are marked with numbers. In addition to this, we also have the so-called Subtypes (instinctual variants) and trifixes.

The thing is, even if two people are the same type, their behaviour may vary. For example, sp2 and so2 are both enneagram type 2, but because of their instinctual variant, they behave differently. Trfix also plays a major part. Two so2s can be seen as different because one is a so251 while the other is so278. I’ll explain instinctual variants and trifix before the actual types, just so you can understand it better.


The self preservation instinct (sp) originates from the digestive system and is responsible for preserving our bodies and maintaining physical satisfaction. Its well being is extremely important, and it governes our needs for material supplies and security, including food, shelter, warmth and family relations. It’s always subconsciously asking the question „How am I?“ The self-preservation instinct deals with the physical state of the body and the sensory feelings around it. It also pays close attention to detail and the surroundings around them.

The sexual instinct (sx) originates from the circulatory system and is responsible for how we communicate with other people and who we are as individuals. It seeks to develop an image of itself that is in harmony with the society around it. It constantly asks „Who am I with?“ and expresses concern about how it’s perceived and how it perceive others (people-oriented). The sexual instinct is focused on maintaining the relationships with its family, friends, lovers etc; it governs our sexuality, intimate relationships and close friendships, and the vitality of the life force within our bodies. This instinct uses analytical reasoning, deduces what the other person is, who he is, what he thinks and what he sees.

The social instinct (so) comes from the nervous system and is responsible for thoughts, actions and work. It is an intellectual center that wants to know and work. From this instinct arise great ideological and social ideas and constructs. The social instinct is constantly asking „Where am I?“ as it wants to adapt to its environment (need for knowledge and experience to survive). It uses empathic reasoning to derive theoretical scenarios of what we would do if placed in situations so that we can prepare for when the theory becomes reality. It governs our needs for belonging and membership within the larger group and community.


The trifix theory suggests that while individuals primarily use one of the main Enneagram types as their core type, everyone actually uses three central Enneagram types - fixations. Enneagram types can be divided into three centers with three types in each center: Gut (8, 9, 1), Heart (2, 3, 4) and Head (5, 6, 7). This theory was put forth by Oscar Ichazo.

We all have one basic type, but we also have a secondary and a tertiary type within each of the other two centers, each called a fix (short form for the word „fixation“). Those two fixes combined with our core type produce our Trifix.

How do fixations manifest?

The second and third fix are strategies that work within the overall influence of the core type.

Fix Two: The second fix in your trifix is a strong influence. The basic fears and strategies of the second fix are used to support the basic type. It can come quite strongly, especially in artistic expression. It can be called a „playground“, similar to the second instinct in your instinctive matching. This is an area that is less sensitive than the basic type, hence the „game“.

Fix three: the third fix is mostly present in its synergy with the other two.

Trifix has its own order, which goes like this:

Heart core – Head fix – Gut fix

Head core – Gut fix – Heart fix

Gut core – Heart fix – Head fix

Keep in mind that fixations aren’t the same as the actual descriptions of each enneatype. That is a tritype, which i’ll mention after i explain each fixation.