Hippocrates and the Roman physician Galen were the first to divide temperaments into four types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic:

CHOLERIC – these people are prone to violent and quick reactions. They feel their emotions deeply (especially anger and stress). They can be friendly, but most of them have a low threshold of patience and tolerance.

SANGUINE – these people are also prone to quick reactions, but they are mostly positive. They are not sensitive like cholerics or melancholics, but they are very cheerful, lively and sociable.

PHLEGMATIC – these individuals are prone to slow reactions and are difficult to get excited. They are calm and withdrawn, but not too emotional, they seem rather monotonous.

MELANCHOLIC – similar to cholerics, melancholics feel their emotions deeply, but these emotions are mostly negative (sadness). As phlegmatics, their reactions are slower and they are difficult to excite.

Most of the time, people are a combination of the two temperaments, so you’ll often see someone who is a choleric – melancholic (more choleric, but has a lot of melancholic traits as well). But if someone is only a sanguine, their temperament is sanguine [dominant].

Here are traits of each temperament :

Strengths Weaknesses
ambitious aggressive
passionate domineering
leader - like inflexible
focused impatient
efficient rude and tactless
practical argumentative
good at planning uncomfortable around emotion
good at problem solving unable to relax
confident low on empathy
motivating discouraged by failures
usually right too busy for people
a delegator intolerant
great in emergency demanding
Strengths Weaknesses
sociable impulsive
charismatic chronically late
outgoing shameless
confident forgetful
warm - hearted a compulsive talker
pleasant too loud
lively sometimes too happy
optimistic distractible
a fun lover dislikes boring/serious tasks
spontaneous self - absorbed
never bored an exaggerator
quick apologizer appears unauthentic
easily makes friends
Strengths Weaknesses
relaxed sometimes shy
quiet and calm fearful of change
content with themselves prone to laziness
kind stubborn
consistent passive - aggressive
faithful friend indecisive
accepting permissive
affectionate not goal oriented
diplomatic unenthusiastic
peacemaking sarcastic
rational discouraging
curious non - participative
observant too compromising
Strengths Weaknesses
thoughtful obsessive
considerate can be too cautious
cautious prone to depression
organized prone to moodiness
excessive planner perfectionistic
schedule oriented pessimistic
detailed deeply affected
highly creative dificult to please
artistic tunel vision
independent can procrastinate
good at preventing problems discontent with themselves and others
inventious prone to play the martyr


Examples : chol-mel (mainly choleric but also relates to melancholic), sang-dom (mainly sanguine), phleg-sang…